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The Magical Potions Foot Care Pack offers a total footcare solution. 

Containing the best selling and highly effective Essential Oil infused Foot balm (50gm), Bath Soak (100gm), Wooden Scoop & Volcanic Pumice Stone you will have everything you need to treat your feet with tender loving care.

Valued at over $65!

Foot Care Pack

SKU: MPF-004.a
  • For an intensive treatment:

    Start by soaking your feet in a foot spa or bath with the Magical Potions Bath Soak for 20 minutes or longer. This will soften the feet before using the Volcanic Pumice Stone.

    Dry off feet and dampen the Volcanic Pumice stone. Rub your feet with the stone in circular motions so that it removes dry skin.

    Apply Foot Balm every night or as often as you think to. It helps to have the Foot Balm sitting by your bedside with a pair of cotton socks handy. Apply nightly and put on socks. Continue this for 1 week.

    After a week, soak your feet again and use the Volcanic Pumice stone to remove dead skin.

    Continue with nightly application of the Foot Balm for another week. After this time, you should only need to use the Foot Balm weekly to maintain softness.

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